Save your fuel & Save your time!

Real-time visibility into congestion and transit conditions at the Ballard Locks. Better for you and better for the environment. LVL Up Seattle! Launching boating season 2025.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is LockViewLive Affilliated or Associated with the Ballard Locks?

No. LockViewLive is an independent corporation run by local boating enthusiasts who are also passionate technologists. Tired of unexpected delays and congestion when transiting the Ballard Locks, we are developing this platform as a resource for ourselves and for other interested boating enthusiasts in the Pacific Northwest. While we aim to support and assist the Locks through routine donations, we are not affilliated or endorsed or sponsored by the Ballard Locks in any way.

Can you further explain what to expect when the platform launches next year?

The LVL platform is built upon a series of modules we have developed which incorporate a pair of weather-proof HD cameras, local compute to process the images in real time, cellular modem or constant connectivity, and solar batteries for reliable power. These modules are being mounted over the coming months in positions with line of sight to the locks on either side. Once operational, the system will provide a real-time live camera view of waiting and transiting vessels, as well as a multitude of computer-derived insights into the average wait time, seasonal history, commercial traffic, and more.

I have privacy concerns about what data is being collected and potentially stored

LockViewLive does not track any identifying information. No individually or personally identifying information is stored. Each vessel in the frame is identified by the computer in real-time as merely a vessel waiting to transit and that data is deleted as soon as the vessel transits and leaves the field of view. Vessel names are not recorded nor tracked at any time.

Where are the cameras located?

We have developed a lightweight and compact self-sustaining set of modules which incorporate a pair of HD cameras, embedded local compute with runs the ML models for object detection and forecasting, solar battery, and cellular internet. Once fully deployed, these modules will be mounted on leased private property with a full field of view of each side of the locks.

This sounds so cool! Will there be a cost?

Yes. While we strive to deliver a valuable service for our local community which we hope will always include a useful free component, the most advanced and capable features will be available through a subscription or a one-time purchase. Please subscribe or contact us for the latest news and updates about the service offerings as they launch over the coming months.

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